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 Third-phase Store for sale in White 14 Tower New Capital

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نوران نور

عدد المساهمات : 3228
السٌّمعَة : 0

Third-phase Store for sale in White 14 Tower New Capital Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Third-phase Store for sale in White 14 Tower New Capital   Third-phase Store for sale in White 14 Tower New Capital I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء سبتمبر 21, 2022 5:01 am

White 14 MPG Tower

Payment and payment systems in White 14 Mall, New Capital
Because we always strive to provide everything possible, Master Builder Real Estate offers more payment and installment systems to make it easier for the investor to choose what agrees with him, with many facilities and great discounts of up to 20% of the total price of the administrative or commercial unit. The installment systems are as follows

The customer can pay the total unit price in installments without a down payment at all over a period of 5 years in White 14.
A 10% downpayment is to be paid of the total unit price, and the rest is to be paid in installments over 6 years inside White 14 New Capital.
The customer can also pay 15% as a reservation down payment, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in installments over 7 years.
Also, the customer can pay a 20% down payment of the total unit price, and the rest of the remaining unit price is paid over 8 years in White 14 Project.
Providing the possibility of paying 30% of the total value of the unit as a contract provider, and then paying the rest over a period of 9 years within White 14 Project New Capital.
A down payment of 35% of the total unit price can be made, then 15% is to be paid after 5 years, and the rest of the value is to be paid after the unit is delivered for a period of 3 years in White 14 Project.
There is a maintenance deposit of 10 of the total unit price
There is a special discount for the remaining cash up to 45% of the total unit price in White 14 Mall.

The real estate developer and their most important previous works
MPG Master Builder Group Real Estate is the owner and executing company of White 14 Tower New Administrative Capital, and it is a leading real estate company headed by Dr. Mahmoud El-Adl, and it enjoys a very high position among many major companies in Egypt and the Middle East, as it has carried out many projects Within the administrative capital and in all areas, it has achieved great success, and the volume of its investments is estimated at 10 billion Egyptian pounds.

It always takes care of the customer through the endless advantages and services it offers in its residential, commercial, and administrative projects, until it has gained the trust of more customers, as it enjoys great credibility, and it also includes a huge group of highly experienced consultants and engineers in all architectural fields.

Among its most important previous projects

Pukka New Administrative Capital Compound.
River Green project, the administrative capital.
Establishment of the Liberation Tower.
Building AlUla City in the city of Mansoura.
Sunset Compound in Ras El Bar.
A group of educational projects, the most important of which is Nile Academy.
Establishment of Elite Medical Center in Mansoura.
International Medical Center in Mansoura.
Building Dar Al-Safa Hospital.
Construction of Cihan Medical Center Hospital.
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Third-phase Store for sale in White 14 Tower New Capital
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